Friday, November 11, 2011

November 10th Granite Gap Hike

Susan on Quartz Boulder

     It was a nice day to go hiking and the local group was divided up into two small groups. One had gone up by the Interstate to watch an old steam train go by the ghost town of Steins. The other group which I was with went directly to the Granite Gap area which is about 20 miles north of the town of Rodeo, NM. 
    The air was clear but cool but not cold and my group settled into their hike. Shortly into our hike we encountered the other group who found the Steins area too cold and windy for an enjoyable hike so came back to the Granite Gap area as well. We all posed for a large entire group picture then went off in our separate ways.
Entire Group minis Julie from Juno, Alaska

    My group that went on consisted of Myself, Linda, Greg, Marsha, Julie, and Susan. We hiked around the base of Granite Peak to the western end then began an assent up to the saddle area of the peak itself. 
North face of Granite Peak.

     As we climbed the western slope up towards the saddle we notice large boulder outcroppings towards the saddle on the south face of the saddle.  We worked our way up towards those boulders to see what they were as they were most intriguing to the eye as to just what they were made out of.
White boulders up in the saddle area.

     Once we reached the very large boulders we discovered that they were very large Milky Quartz outcroppings. Largest quartz boulders I have ever seen!!!  We all climbed up on them and checked them out. It was very cool to be on such large pieces of quartz. I have to wonder what energy they give off!! The following images are taken on them as I wandered around checking them out while the others did the same.
Greg on Quartz

Me on Quartz

Susan & Olive the dog on quartz

Susan on quartz. Nice view too!!!

     After exploring the boulders we hiked back down to the road and around the peak and back to our vehicles. Our hike was 7.6 miles and a climb of slightly over 1,200 feet in elevation according to Linda's GPS.
I personally think we hike farther than modern technology says we do!!! 
   All in all it was a good day of hiking for both groups but the group I was with did the most intensive hike I think with all the climbing and distance we covered. We all got energized too by the quartz crystals for sure!! 

Linda coming down from quartz boulders

Hikers coming down below quartz boulders
Granite Gap Area

     It was a good hike with lots of interesting formations and excellent panoramic views of the area. Nice group to hike with as well!! Look forward to exploring more of this area in  the future!!


  1. The contrast between the rounded white quartz outcrops and the jagged granite of the peak with the deep blue sky is particularly impressive

  2. That was a great find with the white quartz boulders!

  3. Yes I want to go back there again soon as on Google Earth there are more I didn't see!
