Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Rehang Of The Gallery Begins!!

Started putting my artwork back on the freshly painted walls today. Still lots of clutter in the middle as I pick and choose what goes up and on which walls. 

Larger View of Main Gallery.

South, Wing, and West Wall areas.

Hanging of paintings and placement of sculptures continued today. I'm loving the wall colors I chose for this part of the remodel of the interior of the gallery and lobby/studio areas.

Southeast corner of the gallery today.

Lobby and Studio Area.
The lobby and studio area are also starting to be repainted . These areas should be finished sometime this week or next after I buy more paint this week and get the time to finish the painting.  All in all I am pleased with what I have been doing to my Studio/Gallery both inside and out. A fresh new look is something I think the place needed to create and showcase my artwork. Brought back some artwork I had at a local gallery to finish the look I wanted to establish in mine gallery. They had the works in their storeroom and not up where customers could see them. My lighting is better too! 